Liebster Award II & Sunshine Blogger Award III

Q & A[Liebster Award]

✴What is your dream job/career?

I want to be a writer & hopefully this won’t be just a dream in the long run.

✴What is your greatest achievement?

Acceptance & self-control.

✴Who is your greatest inspiration and why?

Everyone inspires me, I can’t find inspiration in just one person. I ape whatever good qualities I see in others. But when it comes to poetry then I’m solely inspired by Edgar Allan Poe & Gothic Classic Literature.

✴If you could have a conversation with anybody, alive or dead, who would you choose?

My great, great Grandmother who is no more.

✴Have you ever been in love?


✴What is your favorite novel?

Anything that has to do with Gothic literature, mystery, suspense & thriller is my favorite.

✴What is your favorite poem?

The Raven, The Haunted Palace e.t.c.

✴Do you have siblings?


✴What is your favorite thing about WP?

The warm & friendly community & the exposure one gets as writer on this platform.

✴What do you hope to achieve with your blog?

I hope to hone my writing skills.

[Sunshine Blogger Award]

✴Do you believe in free will?

Yes, I do. But if we think about it considering the bigger picture life is full of surprises. So, even with free will we should be ever-ready to face unexpected consequences.

✴Which philosophical worldview best describes you?

All 4 of them, I guess.

✴Cats or dogs? And WHY?

Cats. I find them cute. Dogs are cool too.

✴Favourite book(s)?

Temple of Gold by William Goulding.

Dracula by Bram Stoker.

The Picture of Dorian Grey by Oscar Wilde.

✴Do you suffer from an anxiety disorder? How do you cope?

I don’t. Though I’m subject to pangs of anxiety when I’m around people but I take it as a challenge & push myself to face my fears. Seeing anxiety as a challenge is a coping mechanism that works really well for me.

✴Is there an ultimate meaning to life, the cosmos?

There’s meaning behind everything because things don’t happen just like that out of the blue. They may seem inexplicable at present but with time we realise how they’ve catered to a bigger picture. I strongly believe that there’s a purpose to everything that exists.

✴How best to positively influence the world?

Having a clear conscience. I don’t think we can hope for a perfectly positive world but it wouldn’t hurt to strive for it. Efforts matter too.

✴Is there such a thing as good and evil?

There is good & evil in the world. But instead of focusing on differentiating between both it’s more important to focus on our deeds. Our heart & mind should be in agreement with our actions. No amount of punishment can help us move from one category to the other, we need to constantly improve on our own.

✴What major change(s) would you like to see in the world?

I’d like to see the eradication of hypocrisy & hopefully a giant leap towards equality.

✴Are you living in harmony with your world?

I’m not. I hate it when things don’t happen like I want them to but at the same time I prefer spontaneity as nothing else can beat the true essence of being alive.

✴Glass half empty or half full? And WHY?

Glass completely empty or full because almost (half) is never enough.


1.What do you think happens after death?

2.What’s your favorite sport?

3.What would you say to your 18 year old self? (Considering that you’re above 18, if not then choose whichever age you want to)

4.Are you an insomniac? If yes, what keeps you up at night?

5.Do you think introverts are better thinkers than extroverts?

6.How would you prioritise the following (beginning from the thing that tops the list to the one that comes last) : Money – Family – Love – Career – Friends.

7.Narrate any incident that you’ll never forget.

8.What’s your unpopular opinion?

9.What’s your MBTI personality type? (In case you haven’t taken the test, you can do it here)

10.Define adolescence in one word based on your experience.

My Nominees for Leibster Award :

1―Siddharth Bhati

2―Piyush Choudhary


4―Bharath Upendra


6―Osama Sajid Khan

7―Nirant Gurav

It’s an honor to have been nominated by two amazing bloggers for Leibster & Sunshine Blogger Award. I’m truly humbled to both of them for posing such intriguing questions & for considering me. You guys really made me think through my answers twice because I needed to do justice to the questions, forgive me if I couldn’t!

Thank you so much The Abyss Post and Rulla Allani.

They’re both amazing writers so please do visit their blog for some thoughtful verses and enticing write ups.


[Leibster Award]

  • Create a new post thanking the person who nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
  • Include award graphic.
  • Answer the questions provided.
  • Make a new set of 10 questions for your nominees to answer.
  • Nominate 10 bloggers and share your post with them so they see it.

[Sunshine Blogger Award]

  • Thank the blogger and provide link to their blog.
  • Put the award logo.
  • Answer the questions.
  • Nominate other bloggers.

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