Leather (7)

He always got me leather bags and shoes
Telling me they never lose their quality

For years, I’ve worshipped his tokens of affection
Except for his favorite black leather belt

My skin is proof of the sickness in his head
If you look closely, you can see the scars

They still bleed quietly in the corner of our bedroom
After a satiating beat puts him to sleep

And now I understand what he meant
When he talked of leather & quality
Because even after countless vows
His promises could never mend me,
His qualities never really left his rueful fingers because the good thing about leather is that it remains intact even after decades, it never bends the other way round. Ever.


32 thoughts on “Leather (7)

      1. Nameera says:

        Why? How? I’m sorry but there’s something abour the weather and mosquitoes that’s made my brain numb & slow & it literally takes forever to process information. 😂


    1. Nameera says:

      Thanks a lot guys!
      I’m grateful that you appreciate it & thanks for giving it a read, my words wouldn’t matter half as much unless I didn’t have amazing readers (and writers) like you to learn from! 😊


  1. Tanya says:

    It’s a very profound and deep poem on many levels, first symbolically leather represents the patriarchy which is so pervasive in our societies, it never bends the sheer rigidityand of course the violence it connotes. Such a beautiful poem Nameera just loved it!

    Liked by 1 person

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